
Thursday, May 31, 2012

coupon queen.

i love coupons. i'm sure that i've told you this. i love 'em. they're! and i am NEVER without them. i think sometimes i even embarass adam's brother & sister. i don't care. it saves money, honey. who doesn't like that?

so. since i lo.lo.loooove coupons SO much, i thought i would share some awesome coupon sites that i have found... and secret goodies that i've used! BAM! :)

1. never underestimate the power of a google search.
before buying something online, or instore for that matter, GOOGLE A COUPON CODE FOR IT. seriously. example, adam & i decided on culvers the other night... i googled a code... you had to sign up for an email, but then you get a BOGO (buy 1, get 1) coupon! saved us like $7 or $8 - BAM! also, we use a junk email for all of the sign-ups. you do NOT want to put them in the email you use... you'll get swamped for shizzle.

2. the entertainment book.
me with the entertainment book at Christmas. i had NO idea what it was. i had just moved to des moines & my brother hadn't a clue what to get me... so i got this. i can't say i was thrilled...until i started using it. and now i buy one EVERY.SINGLE.YEAR. thank you, brother. you've contributed to my love of coupons. almost everything is BOGO and they even have retail stores in there!!! AMAZING! trips, vacations, hotels, food places... and the books they have are for YOUR SPECIFIC AREA - bam.

another helpful it after they originally come out... they always have 50% off or something crazy... and i'm telling you, even if you don't do that, you'll save the amount you paid for the book within the first few coupons... i think i pay between $15-$30. i know a bit before the next one comes out, you can get it for dollars. super cheap. my brotha.from.the.same.motha, jarryd, is super-savvy like that! BAM!

seriously. i follow these 2 girls blog... they have the best deals on here... and i lololove it! they seem just as money savvy as me! :)
in addition, they have a great idea/post here:
get free samples. all.the.time. remember... have that junk email... and go sign up for TONS OF FREE STUFF! plus, you'll probably get coupons with the swag! i've got a freebie already & lololove it... even if it is just 2 breathe right strips for hubs... haha, nerdo here.

4. Sunday paper
where i'm from, we have the Des Moines Register. every sunday there are tons of coupons in there.
 it will save you so much on groceries & make-up & other goodies. PLUS, you get to try new stuff. some weeks are hit or miss, but they usually last for a while... and you know what else is good, find a friend or two who do the same. if they aren't using their coupons, then trade. you can get ones you like that they don't. PLUS, if you go to Kum'n'Go on a sunday & put atleast $15 in your gastank, you get a FREE PAPER! yay!

ever. unless they're expired.
what i do is bring a little basket to work with all of the cut coupons that i don't want or won't use. that's right, i cut all of the coupons out of the paper, pick the ones i want, then let others have dibs. not only is it a nice gesture, but i have found that other people throw coupons in there that they don't have a use for! and i tell you what, i got some pretty good ones outta there.
what's the saying? another man's trash is another's treasure... or something like that! :)

well, that's all that i can think of. their may just be an addendum if i think of anything else, but until then... happy couponing & saving money, honey!
the (kinda) coupon queen (but not really)


you guys, i've found a few more sites for FREE SAMPLES. even ask hubs, i've been getting TONS in the mail! :) i even gave him a heads up that i was giong to be getting lots of boxes in the mail, but not to worry -- i didn't pay for any of it! :) yak yak yak.


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