
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

hola, lovies.

hey, hey!

looks like i will be squeezing in posts here & there as time allows because...


i started a NEW job today -- BOOYAAAH

so, don't give up on me! i'll still be around with this smiling face... just a little less perhaps!

oh yeah... did i mention after this month ONLY 17.5 hours of massage clinical left!? 

holleeer. balleeer.

so...i shall leave you with yet ANOTHER engagement picture! ohhh, how i think my husband just looks SO darn cute AMAZING here. seriously
oh. and... i so MISS NEED those boots BACK

but since i can't dig through the dumpster & find them, i have my eyes on THESE bad boys...
i'll post more about how they just may or may not be on my Christmas 'list'...later, of course. 

for now, joining the hubs to get some sleep before another (second) day at the new job!

the girls i work with here seem SO amazing & sweet. and genuinely caring. it's quite lovely, really!


PS, prayers are APPRECIATED as this is yet another big step/change for me! :) 


  1. Yay! Congrats Jacie! Tell us where your new job is! Also, those boots are cute. They may be going on my Christmas list too...

    1. Aren't those boots so SO cute!? i think so, TOO! :) also, you are behind on your blogging! i need to see that baby belly! ill text you! xxoo


please leave me a little sunshine! :) i love hearing from you!