
Friday, July 20, 2012


hey you guys! 

i have 87 sales at my etsy shop, JACELAND!

i need your help to get to 100 by the end of the month! :)
in order to do so, i'm offering 15% off your entire purchase until i get to 100!
use code SUNSHINE15

this doesn't mean that YOU have to buy something, but if you could help me spread the word, i'd be very VERY grateful! 

ways YOU could help:
***buy something***
***say a prayer***
***repost this to your blog***
***offer my site to someone else looking for a gift***
***other stuff i can't think of***

just look at all the goodies you could get! :)

so, if you would do me a solid & repost this, i'd be SO SO grateful!
if you do, let me know & i will give you an additional, separate discount code! :)


1 comment:

  1. Jacie! could you email me some of this info so I can remember to put it up on my blog and share the amazing deal??


please leave me a little sunshine! :) i love hearing from you!