
Wednesday, October 24, 2012


happy WEDNESDAY with a picture of me on my 20th birthday... :)

(silly, girly things i think when i see this picture)
-still love my NEON yellow belt, beeteedubs. 
-am going to try & get my hair back to that color... NATURAL... 
-perhaps my eyebrows, too? they looked SO GOOD here... before i did anything with them...
-this is in my old apartment... where adam & i met (we were neighbors across the hall -- cute).
-my head looks big for my body
-this was the year i actually started building confidence & digging on fashion (i was working at The Limited, which helped, i suppose)!
-i miss my long locks. real, real bad. they'll be back though... they'll be back. 
-you should see the top of my head. probably was a killer beehive hair-do on top (you have NO idea what i did with a bunch of my golden locks & a comb, back in the day...NO idea...)
-blue eyes. 

WEDNESDAY means middle of the week -- weekend is SO close to being here, right?!


who loves seeing family? well, i get to see mine for the next TWO WEEKENDS IN A ROW. 

yes, please. 
i love that i love to see my family. 


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