
Thursday, August 29, 2013


'ello lovies!

just wanting to check in a bit & give you some EXCITING news! 


incase you're even unsure what i graduated from: school to be a LMT (Licensed Massage Therapist)... so, i'm all done with classes, clinical, books, etc! eek, so excited today!  

however, i still have to take my boards to become officially licensed, so now the real study time begins! :) just wanted to give you all an update! woohoo!

here are a bunch of pictures WAAAY back in the 4 years ago, or something Therapeutic I (i think) class!

me & a few people from school: katie & joel...oh, and a day after i got my nose pierced. ya know, a think i thought was neat-O mosquito at the time...since removed! :)

a cool sign i made for joel (above) & his best & liamm.

apparently i used to say, "RUDE" a lot to people...jokingly & sarcastic... adam & i heard a noise one night & it was these gals (from school) decorating my door! very creative! :) it was funny!

above: getting ready to give my big brother & big sister their FIRST massage (a Christmas gift)
below: me before some clinic started during school...probably sending to adam or something?!

and there you have it! :) me through the years in LMT school! i think i started Dec. '08, so i'm so glad i'm finally done. i procrastinate & it lasted this long because of me & my silly slow pace! that's okay though because... I DID IT! :) now, for those boards!

HA! sometimes when you fall asleep at massage school, you get your nails painted! :) this is katie painting justin's nails! :) he loved the color...

birthday cupcakes!

and sports massage classes with brian!

deann & brian

this concludes my blog yearbook! :) 
see ya next year! have a great summer!


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