
Sunday, December 29, 2013

WEAR: black & ivory outfit.

There's no doubt about it that my favorite thing to wear is black & ivory...well, those are like my favorite colors to do anything with. staples, if you will. especially when you sass them up with some neon! a couple Sundays ago was no exception. I've worn this a couple times to church & it's a fav. I think I've had that dress for getting close to 10 YEARS! I'm not even kidding -- that's CRAZY! but I love it -- no shame. I think I got it from Kohl's for like under $10, too. Definitely gotten it's use. No intentions of stopping either!

Found that cute belt for $1 at Rue21 -- yup! Normally I don't shop there because there stuff doesn't always last too long, but for $1, this thing has been great! I've worn it a few different times & can wear it around my hips through jeans, too. Love it. Those polka dot bracelets are a couple of my favs! I think they were like $2 from Forever21 years back. Love keeping old stuff & using it over & over! That jacket has been in my closet for over 5 years. I think I found it at like a Kmart or something when I first moved away from mom&dad's! :) And those tights! Some clearance rack when I used to work at The Limited, I think... super cute! But sometimes tights sure do squeeze the life outta your tummy! sidenote! 

Oh, and husband was making fun of me... This isn't how he normally looks. It's just, sometimes when I'm like, "Picture time!", he does this sassy, sarcastic, GQ-esque looke... oh, husband! ha!


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