
Saturday, February 22, 2014

oh fun today.

so, a friend & i started saturday morning Bible study at a new coffee, right?...this saturday is going to be a tidge different because one of our other friends is moving (AND having a  baybay)... so, here's what  i have planned... 

they are coming to the ciiiitay that i live in & we're going to a little coffee shop (i'm getting a box of donuts before -- i've been craving). then, we're bringing our coffee & donuts home & we're going to surprise our friend with hair bow, hair piece, tutus making craft day (i'm going to have her look on  pinterest/etsy for ideas)! i have SO much stuff in my craft room & i bought a bunch of hair clip things last night! 

SO, be looking for a post soon of hair goodies we're making! :) who knows!? maybe i'll get an itch & want to sell them on my etsy!

this is me today... :) getting ready to go get donuts & coffee (BOGO coupon, wooh!)

it's not too often that i wear makeup (isn't makeup a crazy thing?!), so when i do, i take a picture... sill i know, but oh well! anyways, it's 15 minutes 'til these goofy gals are going to be here, so wish us luck that we make some of the coolest hairsies in the world! :)

PS! then we're going to this huge baby shower thing AND THEN i have this essential oils informational meeting thing i'm going to... busy day, busy day... oh why oh way do i wait to do my homework until night time/Sunday?! oh, jace...sorry, a whole nother random thought! :) i get to do that when i get home! 


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