
Saturday, March 15, 2014

little sweets.

honestly, it's the little, thoughtful things that husband does for me that makes my heart feel joyful... 

for example, i woke up this morning to this note. husband had already left at like 5:30 am to play ball at this Church & i was having my weekly Bible study with my dear friend, Erica. even that early in the morning, he knew it would melt my little heart to wake up to this. just something simple. something so sweet.  it is now hanging on my bathroom mirror for me to look at everyday. i love it. 

the other thing i noticed is that he took the little friend's collars off. this may not seem like a big deal, but it's just something sweet we do to think of each other. because these little friends are noisy...anytime they move they jingle with their collars. so, in order to let the other person sleep without distraction, the collars go off. and he was too sweet to do this today. 

thanks for the little things, mi amor!

love you!

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