
Monday, March 26, 2012

a lovely weekend.

what an AAAAAYYYYmazing weekend. seriously. i haven't had a weekend that relaxing in a.long.time. no alarms. that's right -- let me repeat -- NO ALARMS. all weekend, you ask? yeah, no alarms ALL WEEKEND. husband & i just relaxed... well, i did... he had an 'alumni basketball tournament' & if i may say so myself, he is the superstar... seriously, he's so good & it's so fun to watch him move. when he feels challenged or upset, it drives him even further & he gets his ball on... so cute. such a proud little wifey! :) superstar husband was going up for a wicked-smart foul & took a hard, hard fall... poor hubs ribs, hips & elbows are pretty sore today... i started rubbing his arm & had to stop it hurt! he never says to stop with a massage, so you know it must hurt pretty bad if that's the case! poor bug!

what else happened this weekend... OOOH, celebrated an early bday with mom-in-law... a little secret: I.JACIE.LOVE.BUTTONS. don't ask me why -- i don't know... all i know is they make me happy. and there are so many crafting possibilities with buttons. they are so different. so fun! so, anyways...she gets my buttons all the time & i lolololoooove it! i also got my favs... LINDT LINDOR WHITE CHOCOLATE... oh my goodness--so SO good. she gave me a whole tin full -- i was lovin' it... and i got some stickers for my etsy projects & money... such a gracious mama...

and food -- so much good food this weekend. spagetti pizza? yes, please! new hole-in-the-wall-hometown-homeowned restaurants?! yes, please! lots of hugs & sleeping in with the puppies -- best.weekend.ever.


xs.os.buttons.happy colors.lotsa love,

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