
Thursday, March 22, 2012

truman & sydney

i just had to send a little blog love to our babies... truman & sydney... beeteedubs, their 'official' names are Doctor Truman Smith & Princess Sydney of Edinborough. my husband picks good names, huh? anyways, they are good little friends. tru (truman, trumanators, big cat, wicked beast & many other nicknames) is a great friend to daddy & mommy & is a great big brother. syds (little cat, sydneysquidheadword & other nicknames) is a great friend to anyone who looks at her & a great little sister. she has ample amount of kisses that are just searching frantically for a home on somebody's...anybody's cheekers!


besides husband & i being besties, they are our besties as well... to be quite honest, they were out 'best man' & 'maid of honour' in our wedding... we had all of our brothers & sisters stand up with us, didn't wanna pick, so just decided they could have the 'special honor' that day... they were so excited when we told them. they even got gifts like the rest of our bridal party... :)

anyways, loves to truman & sydney...

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