
Friday, May 11, 2012

i am so proud of husband...

seriously... i am SO proud of my husband.

have you ever felt like that before. i cannot even express into words how proud he has made me today. i mean, of course -- he's a gem every single day, but today especially...

a few months ago, there was a sermon at church about gossip... we hadn't really thought too much about it before that day, but were definitely convicted. gossip surrounds you, can engolf you...every single moment of your life. guilty as charged -- i think everyone is.

well, his work is no exception. and today, there was a couple of opportunities where people tried discussing matters that should not be discussed & are not anyone else's business... and you know what... he said something of the sort! do you understand how proud i was of him? standing by his morals... doing what God's word tells him to do! of course, we all stumble... everyday... every single one of us... constantly, but i love hearing stories of God's will being done...

and it just so happens to be my husband.

and i couldn't be prouder.


dear hubs,
thanks for being a great husband & striving to be a Godly man & leader of the home. your efforts do not go unnoticed or unappreciated (usually)... haha! :) love you, madly!

thumbs up for husband,

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