
Friday, May 11, 2012

last night...

i was going to go out with my bestie to carlos o'kellys...

anyways, some plans changed & we had to take a raincheck! sadness, but i can't wait to see her SOON.

SO, what did i do you might ask?

it sucked. big time. then again, it always does at first!

i used to be so in shape & am definitely not anymore... but you couldn't expect me to be with days

anyways, time to ditch the cellulite & welcome the tight leggers (hopefully)! so, my hubs & i went for a 'run/walk' the other night... that's what i call 'em... gotta start out slow, right? he plays bball every week for a church league, but me? me no do much... i need to. i used to be involved in high school & then it got away from me... nobody's fault but my own... so, here we go...
hopefully we'll see results soon so hubby can go, "woooooah! look at my wifey!" :) (he already does byyyy the way!)

I hope months of starvation, obsessive exercise, and painful grooming will get boys to notice the inner me.
***ps...this is a joke, of course!***

i always feel bad because my workouts (so far) are pretty pathetic & i know he doesn't get too good of a workout... but he always sticks with me... he's so sweet.

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