
Monday, July 9, 2012

i think i be sicky.

so, if you scroll down, you'll see my last couple posts have been about me not feeling all. this is literally the fourth night i've had cancel my clinics for massage. 
wellsies pellsies, i woke up at mom & dad's & could barely walk... 
you may have read about it heresies...

anyways, my mama called me today & we both concluded we no longer think it was just me sleeping wrong on the mattress... i haven't been feeling well for the last couple weeks since colorado... but it's been on & off... well, apparently viruses can settle in specific places in your body. who knew?! so, she thought it was either that or kidney infection...great.

she, as in my mom, works at a doctor's office, so asked her nurse about that being her hunch & her nurse confirmed that it could be either... but to wait another 24 hours to just see. so, i am going to call my doc today & just get something set up for tomorrow because this not feeling good business stinks... 

i can only lay in a bed for so long, ya know?!

*** side-note***
isn't it funny how some days we're just dying for a break...a nap...a few hours curled up in our bed... and then when we get that, we're ready for it to be OVER!? just a thought... :)

so, until i muster up the strength to write a post about something specific like my love for glitter & things, enjoys this picture! :) 

he's been so lovely the last few days while taking care of me... 
today he said that i have to make a list of all the food & drinks that i want & that he was going to get them for me tonight... sigh, he's sweet. 

what has your sweetie done for you lately? 
write something so i have something else to do while im sicky, pleeeease.
im begging you! :)

xs & os,
your j

PS, i just thought of something that sound DELISH... wanna know what it is?! 


  1. Hey there! I am your newest follower. Your blog is adorable!

    Come see me at


    1. YAY AMANDA! i lololove new blog buddies! i'm going to your blog right now! and thank you for the compliments -- so sweet!

  2. Hey girl! I just started following you on Etsy as well as here on your blog! I am so sorry you're sick, but I thought I would write to keep you company! How long have you been married? My Hubbie and I have for a year in Sept! Ahh, newlyweds!
    I liked on your etsy how you said you hope to be able to eventually be a work from home Mommy, me too! I hope so someday! For now, im a college counselor.....
    We live in AZ, but we are moving to South Carolina by the end of the year. We hate the heat here!

    Well, hope you feel better!!
    Whimsy & Lola

    1. hey girl! I RECOGNIZED YOU from our etsy conversations! :) EEK... i know, sick is the worst, but like i said on etsy... hopefully the doc has something good she can send me! i lololove you writing to keep me company... when i'm not sleeping... you can only LAY IN BED for SOOOO long, ya know?! yeow...

      we got married last october... sooo coming up on a year -- it's NUTTY! and congrats to you two! it is SO crazy how the time goes by so SO fast... i know -- stay at home mommy would be amazing... we pray all the time about it & are trying to make arrangements to make it a reality... plus, with daycare being so expensive right now, you're really not out much! :)

      ooooh ARIZONA! adam (husband) wants to move there! or...we've chatted about it & it's a prospect, but yeah, i can only imagine the heat... it's been insane here, too! like everyday in the hundreds! YEOW! SOUTH CAROLINA? what's there?



please leave me a little sunshine! :) i love hearing from you!