
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook

So... just ran a few errands and then got some stuff, so i can cook out of my Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook!

wanna know how i got it? 


okay, husband & me were at Borders (apparently Barnes & Noble now -- they all closed :( ) and well... you all know how big of a fan i am of Harry Potter! so... when i saw the Unofficial Harry Potter Cookbook, i got so SO excited (as i'm sure you can imagine)!
however, even though hubs said i should get it, i couldn't spend over $20 for it... 

so...oh well... i'll get it some other time, right?

because i got home one night... went to go night night and guess what was hiding UNDER MY PILLOW? that's right! you guessed it! 
how sweet is hub's heart, right?

so, we said that we would do ONE RECIPE/PER WEEK.
that hasn't held all. 
i think i've only used it one...sad...UNTIL TODAY!
i'm making TWO recipes out of it -- i'll show you later!

anywhoo, in addition to all the Harry Potter madness... a few weeks ago, husband had a phenomenal idea that friday evenings we would start a 'Harry Potter Date Night'... until we finished all of the movies. we go to one of our FAVORITE pizza places, bring a large sausage & green olive (YUM) home & watch one of the adventures of hermoine, ron & harry! woah, good times.

well, this weekend, we had part 1 of a family reunion, so... no Harry Potter date night... so, that brings us to tonight! Harry Potter, Harry Potter food AND butterbeer!

on our honeymoon, we visited Universal Studio's The Wizarding World of Harry Potter (i know, awesome, right?) and had non-alcohol frozen butterbeer... it...was...THE BEST. really. but guess what isn't in the cookbook? i know...sad. 

and do you know how hard it is to find a good recipe online...why, you ask? BECAUSE Universal Studio's isn't going to give there's out anytime soon!
so...we shall just trial & error & figure SOMETHING delicious out!

i'll keep you posted!

abra kadabra...or something, 
your j

holy cow.
HP pork chops? amazing.
HP potatoes? amazing. 

will be family favorites & staples for years to come...husband LOVES. i'll post pics & recipes later, but really...YUM. i can't wait to have the family over to show off my HP cooking skillZ! :) haha.

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