Wednesday, October 31, 2012

devotional wednesday by the olive tree

something that buzzes in my head is this: 

i think that we have all been guilty of this at one point or another... i suppose the 'i think' should be 'i know'... we are all sinners & are undeserving of God's grace, yet He loves us so much...

so, here's a challenge to you: serve Him more fully for the grace He's given... we'll do the 'challenge' together, because Lord only knows HOW MUCH work we all have to do! :) the fun thing about really trying to discipline yourself with things like this is that you begin to see your heart actually change for the Lord... the 'challenge' becomes easier... AND let me tell you, it's fun to look back on your life & see how God is molding & shaping you for His work!!!

loves in Him, 


please leave me a little sunshine! :) i love hearing from you!

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