
Monday, April 22, 2013

challenge: day 1

so... as you know, i'm trying to take up running... again.

well, my mom, sister & myself decided it was time to loose a little weight...and decided it'd be best to do it together! so...we today was the 1st day of our challenges... 

here's how it works: 
one of us picks the "challenge". it includes something to do with eating & something to do with exercising... so, i started the challenges. i sent them out a text with this week's challenge (walking/running for 30 minutes x4 days out of the week; NO all & at least 8 oz of water per day). then next Sunday night, either my mom or my sister will text the new challenge, of their choice. 

pretty easy, but also pretty hard. i started off fairly easy because it's hard to get in the habit of working out/not drinking pop (i hardly drink it anymore though, so it's okay for me).

anyways, to try & hold myself accountable, i thought i'd post my progress on here! i'm laying it all out there...i really hope to see my appearance & the way i feel... SO HERE WE GO!

day 1: april 22
weight: 174.4
bust: 32
bra: 34C/36C/34D
belly button: 35
tummy: 39
hips: 41
size shirts: usually M or L
pants: usually 10/12

i did:
*i jogged 1 mile with truman*
*i walked/jogged 1 mile back home with truman*
*i drank approx. 64 oz of water*

i ate:
6 oz chobani peach yogurt
1 bag jimmy john's chips, regular
1 piece of hershey's milk chocolate
2 chocolate chip cookies
1 slice of sausage/green olive pizza

i'm not quite sure where to measure or what is right, but i came up with my own measurements! so there you go! i know you're not 'suppose to' weigh yourself or whatever everyday...but i am going to take my measurements & weigh myself every morning. i feel like that will help me start the day off focused & aware that i need to take it 'one day at a time'. and then it will help me be like, "do i really NEED that extra starburst or chocolate?" :) 

side note, i love to eat... and i'm definitely NOT one to deprive myself. and i'm also going to still keep eating sweets (unless i have to give it up for THE CHALLENGE), but in moderation. one thing that's REALLY tough for me is just eating until i'm satisfied...not OVERindulging & eating until i'm full...sure, i will do that AGAIN & AGAIN, but it's a work in progress. 

plus, i've been thinking a lot about our bodies being in good shape to serve the Lord. 
think about it this way: if you're morbidly obese or grossly undernourished or whatever (sidenote, just 'cause someone is skinny, does NOT mean you're healthy...), are you going to be able/willing/as anxious to go help on that mission's trip? or help with church clean-up? or help with a building project? or get on the floor & play for children's church? just a thought that our bodies ARE actually a temple for the Holy Spirit... AND His work. and this is not me 'condemning' because I FAIL AT OVERINDULGENCE & GLUTTONY ALL THE TIME. all i'm saying is that it's something to be aware of...and to work on. in a culture where we don't really view that as wrong...or are so worried to 'judge' something to be wrong...maybe we should be a little lot more critical. i really, REALLY, REALLY need to focus on that every single day. 

like i said, I LOVE FOOD. 

this started quite some time ago, but adam & i started to think about it again last week... we are the teachers every couple weeks in Children's Church... we were teaching the story of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego... not the one with the lion's den...the one with FOOD. basically, the king was trying to get them to eat/drink his 'royal' food... they declined & did a little 'test'. they compared the strength of the people who ate the king's food for 10 days vs the strength of the people who at the food God commanded. guess who was stronger? more fit? more ready to go?

the one's who at the food God commanded. 

i strive to be more like this. get a little more good in my tummy & a little less bad. isn't it also wonderful that when we're trying to teach little ones about these's a good reminder unto ourselves? :) God is good. 

some outfit pictures from this Sunday after church...that double as 'beginning' of what body looks like pre-challege/focusing on working out & eating...

oh...also, truman wanted to say HI!

not a HUGE fan of this outfit, but i had to throw something together like QUICK! also, getting used to my fading tan... now that i haven't been tanning x1 month. oh, syds. 

syds sniffing me...and also those shoes... like $3.50 at Gap! bam. sister & i got matching.

see how much fun it is over here?

he's reflecting.

the end. i appreciate all the encouragement/prayers/ideas/challenges you can throw my way! :) 


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