
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

1 in 6...billion.

so... i was chatting with a lovely new friend at husband's softball game last night. her fiance is also on said softball team. she's getting married in t-minus 5(ish) weeks. she's neat. anyways, I DIGRESS (wink, new friend, if you're reading this)... as i was reflecting on the conversation we'd had the previous night, i couldn't help but think how blessed i am to have the husband i do. and for the record, it sounds like she's going to have a great husband for her soon, too. 

i love husband...obviously... sometimes, like anyone whom you have a relationship with, you possibly take for granted what you have or fail to really be as appreciative as you should be for the blessing of this human being God has given to you.

during our conversation, much of which was about how we have a couple of great men of the Lord, we also chatted about some not-so-great men boys we've let into our lives... i cannot help but be reminded of how good i have it with husband. and how bad it was with them. hindsight is 20/20, right? ha. maybe more about exes later...this is husband's post. i am so thankful for the man that he IS & IS NOT...and i continuously pray for the man that he IS & WILL BE.

SO...i guess what i'm saying is... remind your man how much you appreciate him. how much you love him. how he's the apple of your eye...the macaroni to your cheese. the gravy to your potatoes... he needs to know it! and even harder than words, SHOW HIM how much you appreciate him. how much you love him. how he's the apple of your eye...the macaroni to your cheese. the gravy to your potatoes...

that he's your one in six billion.

also, a sidenote, if you please. have Godly expectations & Godly standards for the man in your life. if he is not a man of God, don't waste your time. move along...quickly. you'll save yourself much heartache, possible physical & emotional baggage...and some not-well-spent time. find a man of God & find out what true love & a true man is all about.

the end. 

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