
Friday, May 10, 2013

ah, the weekend.

and a lovely weekend it shall be. i had a hard days work... we got lunch brought to us... i got to bring home leftovers -- PERFECT (salad, chicken for said salad, mixed fresh fruit, pasta salad) & free...yes, thanks...hung out with the babes for a bit... went 3 miles tonight...and now going into town for some errands while husband listens to the game. 

tomorrow i will enjoy my first-ever experience at the Farmer's Market here (i guess it's a big deal)...and then the rest of the weekend is reserved for celebrating my momma & mom-in-law...and church Sunday!

there you have it. hope the start of your weekend is going swimmingly!
xxoo, j

ps. sometimes the above pictures like that are dumb. but this was was kinda cute...oh, dogs. SPEAKING OF, syds might just get to go to the farmer's market with me...we'll see! :)

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