
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Merry Christmas (Jacie's side edition).

Hope you had a very Merry Christmas! 

Every year (usually) around Thanksgiving & Christmas & New Year's, my side of the family has this tradition of getting a hotel to stay at. So, we ventured out the weekend of the 20th-22nd & had ourselves a much-enjoyed hang out session before Christmas festivities began!

You know there are little kiddos running around when we're playing with ABC blocks... oh, who am I kidding, I do that anyways... i kid, i kid...

Here are some of the Christmas gifts that I had wrapped. I'll be honest, I was going to do all of them with the brown craft paper, but it was so frustrating...and I just am not that good at wrapping. So, I cheated & used some of the candy cane looking the way, found it at Dollar Tree - BAM! The gingham you see is actually packing tape! :) Easy & festive!

How cute are these houndstooth labels? Loved 'em.

I forgot to rotate this picture, but I thought my sister, Lyndsey, did a super cute wrapping job! The damask is one of my favorite patterns (used in our wedding) & the lime green & red is such a cute accent, I had to take a picture!

 My littlest nephew, Blake, and his little tootsies while we were at the hotel!

I was trying to show you this shirt, but the picture is blurry! If you look at the above pic, you can see the entire thing is sequins! $3.59 special at Goodwill! I even washed it & my washer/dryer was FILLED to the brim with sequins. So, there's a lot on there. It was kind of a joke, but I just like weird, loud, bright stuff, too. I thought it was funny. My mom said she thought it was 'gorgeous', bless her sisters were all kinda laughing...and my little niece, Addison, goes, "Oh, Aunt J, you just look beautiful!" HA, so sweet.

And mister A with some new tools! :) 

What a busy year it's been. Lots of drive-time, but that's okay because when I haven't fallen asleep, husband & I usually have really great chat sessions & jam sessions. :)
-December 20-22nd was spent at the hotel.
-Side trip on Dec. 21st for my grandma's Christmas
-December 23rd was my mom & dad's Christmas
-December 24th was Adam's side Christmas
-December 25th we were finally back home: safe & sick

Hope that you all had the Merriest Christmas & don't forget the Reason for the Season -- Christ's BIRTHDAY! :) Happy Birthday, Jesus! Thanks for coming to save us!

Merry Christmas! 

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