
Saturday, December 28, 2013

Merry Christmas 2013 (Adam's side edition).

Hope you had a very Merry Christmas!

Hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas & are looking forward to the New Year! Obviously I can't capture everything in these little blog posts & don't want to post every single one of the too many pictures I take, but here are a few I thought I'd share!

Adam's mom's Christmas tree & some little goodies below it! :) Our sister-in-law, Jess, did a cute little job & put our Samaritan's Purse donations in the tree -- clever! However, I didn't know they were a 'gift', so I opened them to look at the 'ornament'! :) 

Adam's mom's Christmas table! Pretty, right? Would you believe those two flower pieces came from my work? Management said their tables were too full at home & they wanted me to take them home! Um, okay! I knew she'd love them & I guess she did! 

By the way -- that cherry whatever cake in the middle was super yum! ALSO, growing up, Adam's mom always made a birthday cake for Jesus -- that was it this year! Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Incase you didn't notice, baby Jesus is missing... I guess this is some tradition or something? I'll get back to you... :)

All these yum-yums. The cookies were so yum. And the chocolate covered pretzels. My mama made the dried cinnamon apples. The only things bought were the popcorn & veggie fries! :)

Super cool Joseph, Mary & baby Jesus 'nativity' of sorts. Mother-in-law just got back from an amazing trip & this came from Assisi, Italy! Cool, right?

I was trying to get the boys to take a picture by this little lighted tree they put up every year. I say, "Move so you can see the tree!" and this is what they do simultaneously. Yup, sounds about right.

Basically, I just wanted a picture of my super cool new Christmas pants I got from my mama -- a new favorite! similar. Adam's doing something silly back there. I know he was getting a few wierd looks before I cropped the picture! :)

LOOK.AT.MY.NEW.SCARF. i love. remember the post i did here about the American flag scarf I wanted, but wasn't going to get because it was like $80 or something nutty... well, I had found a 'knockoff' of sorts & it was wrapped up! perfect! Find it at aCutee on Etsy (I couldn't find the direct link, so it may be sold out)!

The brothers have this 'draft' thing they do. Adam & I found the bowling pin last year as the 'trophy'. For the other boys gifts, brother Jonathan, made 'display cases'. They were actually really nicely made & Adam thought they were hilarious! And apparently Christian, too, by his face (middle).

Adam's 'Basket Case' gift! :)

And husband looking oh-so-handsome & also looking like he doesn't want his picture taken in his new cute outfit! Bulls sweatshirt courtesy of my mama & a couple new shirts from brother & sister! He loves this tshirt! Said it's sooo soft! :)

All in all, we had a good time! We left for his mama's on the 23rd & got there at about 2:30 a.m. on Christmas Eve. We slept for a while & then just hung out. There was also a trip into town because I may or may not've forgotten puppy food...ugh. Then dindin & gifts. Hang out time for a tidge longer & then we decided it best to head home...getting there around 2 a.m. We've both been sick since the 23rd & we thought it'd be good to get home ASAP & back into bed! So, we got to bed & rested all of Christmas. Lots of OJ & Emergen-C! :)

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! Don't forget the Reason for the Season -- Christ's birth!

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