
Tuesday, March 29, 2016

dear Lincoln Steele (staying at home)

Hey there, buddy!

Today I am feeling particularly BLESSED to be staying at home with you! I am feeling particularly BLESSED that your Daddy is at work providing for us! I am feeling particularly BLESSED that the Lord has seen fit to give us YOU! I am feeling particularly BLESSED that the Lord has provided EVERYTHING that we need, including Daddy's job. 

What triggered this? It's the little things, buddy! I had just gotten done feeding you at  your 11:00 a.m. feeding... You were standing on my leagues & I just kept kissing your cheekies. That's all. That's all it takes for me to be ONE.BLESSED.MAMA. Think about it? So many babies don't get their mama's kisses all day. So many mamas don't get to GIVE their babies kisses all day. So many babies don't get their mama feeding them all day. So many mamas don't get to GIVE their babies their food all day. So many babies don't get their mama's snuggles all day.  So many mamas don't get to GIVE their babies snuggles all day. But today, I am basking in gratitude.

I love you. I am thankful for you!
I love you, Adam. I am thankful for you!
I love you, Lord. I am thankful for you!

xoxo, J

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please leave me a little sunshine! :) i love hearing from you!