
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

dear Linkers

Dear Linkers, 

Today I am putting on Solomon's Ring (that's what your Daddy would say). We just got back from signing our Will & Permanent Guardianship papers incase something would happen to mommy & daddy. You missed part of your nap (and were a champ, by the way)!

So...we get home & I try to put you down for your nap. You're totally NOT fussing or anything, but you just sound so wide awake -- sometimes that happens when you stay up TOO's like a '2nd wind'. So, I decide that I'm going to nurse the dark...and just let you fall asleep on me (which hasn't happened in AGES...and I LOVE). 

So, your loving life & suckling. Mommy's loving life & sucking. And it hits me...all those times where I was able to help you transition...those times where I helped you fall asleep...those times where I nursed you & you decided it was too much work & needed a nap...those times, for the most part, are gone... and what else I realized is this: if God gives us another baby someday, I may not be able to have those moments with that baby like I did with you because I'll be chasing you around hopefully!!!

This is bitter sweet for mommy! I am SO thankful you are growing up so big & strong, but these seasons of our life are passing SO quickly!!! 

I sincerely don't regret 1 second of those times where instead of doing the dishes, sweeping the floor, cooking lunch, etc, I stayed holding you in my arms -- I'll never get to do that again! I am SO thankful to your Father above & your Father here that they've allowed me SUCH A GIFT AS THIS. 

Love you, 

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please leave me a little sunshine! :) i love hearing from you!