
Thursday, April 7, 2016

dear adam

dear husband, 

You do a lot of things that make me smile & I'm taking today to think about them. Little things, but things that matter. 

Like when you fold the laundry I didn't get to while I study. 
Or when you do dishes. 
Or when I get home & you've made the bed for me. 

Or how about printing off those SOAP forms because you remember me talking about them (your hidden motive is probably a massage). 
Telling Sarah I've been wanting Pancheros lately. 
Taking me to a taco truck I talk about literally every time we go past. 
Remembering the Papabear, Mamabear, Babybear shirt & trying your best to pick them out. 

Leading us in some prayers.
Leading us in our Love & Respect discussions. 
Asking how my day was when we sit down to eat or drive somewhere. 

Coming to the grocery store...not because you want to, but because you know I like it. 
Picking up Lincoln from me. 
Praying for me. 
Thanking God for, "A wife who cooks meals like this..."

I have so much to be thankful for...and so much that I overlook too often!

Thank you!
I love you, bug!


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please leave me a little sunshine! :) i love hearing from you!